About Resightings Data Site

Welcome to the Shorebird Banding and Resighting Data Management website. 

 New to the site? Check out the "Map Your Resighting" tab to look up the history of your birds! 

 Help Spread the Word! Check Out "Flyers" Page. 

Banding projects to study migratory shorebirds that make epic hemispheric journeys have been underway since the mid 1990’s. In recent years, the birds have been banded with engraved markers allowing identification of individuals with spotting scopes. The combination of banding and resighting data allows greater understanding of the habitat uses and needs by imperiled species. With this understanding comes the hope of achieving the protective actions required to halt, and even reverse, the population decline exhibited by many shorebird species.

Your resighting observations count! Each report adds significantly to a greater understanding of the critical habitat needs of different species throughout their migratory routes. Resightings help determine the habitats most frequented and may lead to discovery of other as yet unknown important sites being used by shorebirds. These reports are added directly to the ongoing database. So thanks for taking the time and effort to report your observations.

Select from these website tabs on the above task bar:


Report Resighting: Form Revised 10/11/2011! Use this form to enter data about resighted birds tagged with markers that identify them as individuals. Log-in to pre-fill report fields!


Map Your Resighting: Look for your bird! Choose the correct species and flag color, then enter the marker code to see where your bird was banded and where else it has been resighted. Create a profile to use Mapping Feature and pre-fill resighting report fields.


Eco Huellas: Learn about this inspiring group of Argentine youths and follow their "adopted" bird, Red Knot with flag orange H3H.


Dataloggers: Read the update on tracking red knots through an entire year's journey using a "gizmo" known as a datalogger.


Flyers: New Feature; Help bandedbirds.org to "Spread the Word!". Outreach flyers are available for download to post publically. 


Banding Data/Resight Data (research): Download bulk data for research purposes. Access limited to approved researchers. Please review Conditions of Use statement for further information. 


Metadata: Documentation regarding the data collected by research projects.



CONDITIONS OF USE: Users are welcome to download information on when and where a color-flagged bird was originally caught and where and when it may have been subsequently caught or resighted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY and not for any scientific analysis and/or publication in any way whatsoever. Moreover the User shall not be entitled to pass any such data to a third party. The intellectual property in such data belongs to the various scientists and organizations who have contributed to the bandedbirds.org website. Any User who wishes to make use of downloaded data for scientific analysis and/or publication should send a request (explaining the use to which the data are to be put and/or the manner of publication proposed) to Lena Usyk at bandedbirds1@gmail.com who will forward the request to the relevant data owner. The data owner may respond to such request in whatever way the data owner sees fit, including rejecting the request entirely and imposing whatever conditions the data owner shall in the data owner's absolute discretion determine. Any publication of data downloaded via this website shall acknowledge the website and the rights of the data owner. 


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Clear into the Future: a DuPont Delaware Estuary Initiative is an ongoing commitment to maintain and improve the Delaware River Estuary. The initiative focuses on using DuPont science, volunteerism, education and special projects to help preserve and protect the estuary. To learn more about "Clear into the Future", go to www.clearintothefuture.com.