Spread the Word!

Chances are you have reported data to www.bandedbirds.org. Now you can help keep these birds species from disappearing forever another way. Spread the word! Ask your local conservation group, bird club or any other concerned organization to post and/or distribute these flyers. Every resighting contributes to improving our knowledge of the habitat needs for these at-risk species.

Download Flyers

English:    Attention Grabber     Informative     Protocols

Français:  Votre Attention          Informatif       Protocoles available soon

The “Attention Grabber” is intended for posting prominently to direct observers to the website to report resightings and learn more information.

The “Informative” flyer can be used for posting or distribution to engage audiences in the resighting effort.


The "Protocols" flyer emphasizes that protection of the birds comes first! It should accompany posting/distribution of all flyers.



















Thanks to Defenders of Wildlife for the production of the flyers!